Add and Configure an IP I/O Module




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    Tim Huskisson

    Hey Tony,  


    Is it possible to use an input to validate a schedule for a rule? 
    IE input opened and time period of schedule valid then carry out Analytic event/https request

    Use case: Alarm system disarmed with an output turned on (wired into the input on an IO) rule for line crossing detection invalidated by the state of the input.

    Alarm armed, input closes and rule becomes valid line crossing used to trigger third party notification/alarm system via output.





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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Tim,

    My apologies for the late reply, but the answer is no if you want to do it via the Nx Desktop client. 
    The answer is yes if you do it through the API with the help of the /ec2/saveEventRule but it would require a programmer to write a small program to run the various API calls. 

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    Tim Huskisson

    Hi Norman


    Rule validation is something that we are desperate to be able to do. 

    I have been told that it is in the road map? Can you confirm?



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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Tim,

    For 4.1 it isn't scheduled, nor is it scheduled for 4.2. 
    If you like such feature, please inform your reseller about it or submit the idea to our community in the New Feature Ideas section. 

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