How can we help?
Welcome to the Nx Support Community.
A place to collaborate with Nx and our ecosystem partners.
The Nx Support Community is a public forum designed to connect developers, integrators, and end-users with Nx and our partners to discuss issues, share ideas, request new features. Have an urgent issue with a licensed system? Feel free to submit a ticket.
Community Topics
Nx Witness Software Suite
Ask questions and get answers about the Nx Witness Desktop, Server, Mobile, Web, and Cloud applications.
Developer Forum
Have a question about developing with Nx Meta or Nx Witness or you are a developer or looking for a developer?
Feature Feedback
Have a great idea for a new feature or a suggestion how to improve an existing feature? Let us and the community know...
Please, check out this section of the community to find information about support requests, templates, response times...
Mobile Beta 25.1 Feedback
Testing out the new Nx Mobile 25.1 Beta version and have feedback? This community is for you.