What is the problem and why does it occur?
The Nx Server process terminates right away after starting. This happens because the OS system API cannot return a valid value while launched in the virtual environment. In Nx Witness, some identifiers require the system information to calculate Hardware ID. If the system API can't provide the value, then GUID will be unable to get.
Observable behavior
The Server application terminates right away. In Nx Log, you can find the log entries as below appeared: 2017-06-09 15:12:06.945 704 ERROR: Can't save guid. Run once as administrator.
How to solve the problem?
Go to https://guidgenerator.com/ and generate one GUID with "braces" and "hyphens" options enabled. Afterward, copy the result.
For Windows
- Press Windows + r, type regedit.
- Navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Network Optix\Network Optix Media Server
- Find the attribute,
, double-click the entry and paste the GUID. - Close the regedit.
- Restart the Nx mediaserver
For Ubuntu
- Change the folder - #cd /opt/networkoptix/mediaserver/etc
- Use the text editor to edit the configuration file - #sudo nano mediaserver.conf
- Find the attribute,
and delete the original value. - Paste the newly generated GUID, and save the file.
- Restart the Nx mediaserver - #sudo service networkoptix-mediaserver restart
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