Push notifications
CompletedBe great to have a push notification for certain events/cameras....I guess to be able to turn it on as a result of an event. That way you could have it on/triggering by certain events and for selected cameras. Next step to be able to toggle it on/off by a soft trigger button on that camera
Official comment
Hi Glynn,
Thanks. We are planning to have it on the future release.
Although we don't have the ETA yet, it is likely we will start the design and implement soon. Please keep an eye on our release note of new version and register the newsletter. We will provide the latest information via them.
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Hi Lieven,
Thanks for your comments.
Push Notification is under development and it will be available on v4.1. Likely it might be available on the Q4/2019 or Q1/2020.
The change includes all of our components so we need to be more careful on the regression test and implementation of the design. Thanks for your patience, we will keep you post.
you could use something like https://www.pushingbox.com/ in the meantime. You can do a HTTP request via a rule, and that will be sent out via push by that service (there are multiple push services with API like this, it was just meant as example, I have no experience with that specific service)
If you want to have push notifications today, you could check out NxBot which was made by one of our users.
I got Push notifications working using Pushover.net - see https://support.networkoptix.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360034798133-Got-my-NX-Witness-integrated-with-Pushover-net-for-notificiations- for more details.
I will be adding some Ideas when I get a chance about making Do HTTP Request better to make it easier.
I have a customer looking for direct push notifications into the phone app/client. Ideally the phone app opens/notifies with a quick way to review the video when motion was detected. I think that many residential apps do this directly. Ring doorbells comes to mind.
Any updates on this as an option directly in the software would be great to hear.
I see alternative implementations in this forum, but fear our end users may not be savvy enough to utilize/manage/troubleshoot the http relay via/to another app. -
Hi Gordon,
When the public beta is available for download, you can find it at my.networkoptix.com/#/download
Hi Norman, I am trialing beta 4.1 now but the push notifications don't seem to be working yet to the app. I can see they are at the NX system level in events, but no notification at the app. Will there be a app update for iOS and Android to cover push notifications or am I doing something wrong?
That is correct Matthew Scott, Apple isn't so easy on the Beta applications, so during the Beta, at this stage, only the Android Beta version is available.
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