What happens when a cloud-connected server dies?
When a server dies within a cloud-connected system, it may be unable to reconnect with the other servers and cause various issues if brought back online improperly. Please take the steps described in this article to restore your system to a fully functioning state.
How to restore a cloud-connected server
We will refer to the problematic server as Server A throughout this article.
- Recover your Server A hardware.
- Install Nx Witness on Server A.
- Open Nx Desktop and configure Server A. Assign a different Nx system name than the one it had before, let’s call it B. Do not initiate a merge and do not add cameras.
- In System Administration, disable the option Enable devices and servers auto discovery and remove any cameras that might have been discovered.
- Log out of Server A.
- With Nx Desktop, log into the Cloud System that Server A was a part of before it died. For our example, we’ll call it Main System.
- While logged into the Cloud System, Server A will show up as offline. From the Resource Tree, move all the cameras from Server A to one of the other servers in this System (for example, Server C). Keep track of which cameras originally belonged to Server A.
- Delete Server A from the Resource Tree and log out of Main System.
- Log into Server A (created on step 3) and connect it to Nx Cloud:
Main Menu > System Administration > Nx Cloud > Connect System to Nx Cloud - Visit the Nx Cloud portal and merge system B with Main System. If you encounter any merge errors, log out of the Cloud Portal and back in.
- With Nx Desktop, log into your System. Server A will appear online again. Move the cameras on Server C from Step 7 to Server A.
- The cameras will now be on Server A.
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