Community Code of Conduct
Pinned CompletedWelcome to the Network Optix Community, your place to connect with your peers to learn, share, and collaborate. We’re excited that you’re here - we all benefit from a healthy, vibrant community, and we value your contributions.
Please read through these guidelines before posting or commenting; all users are expected to be familiar with them and will be held accountable for following them.
The vast majority of the time, this communication is productive and benefits the parties involved, We support an open and friendly environment in our community. To maintain that environment and since the community is constantly growing, we developed this Community Code of Conduct to clarify desired and undesired behavior.
Community Code of Conduct - Human Readable version.
Be a friendly community member and be respectful of one another, act with good intentions, and use good judgment, and assume that others are doing the same. You are responsible for your own actions while participating in this community.
Community Code of Conduct - Longer version
Here are some things to remember in the community:
- Be respectful, friendly, and sincere
- Use appropriate tone and language - be nice, don't use foul or inappropriate language. Remember that written text might have a different tone of voice than spoken language.
- Nagging isn't fun for anyone, you can’t always get what you want.
- Encourage others, especially new users, and share what you know
- Ask for help and help others, Provide constructive, helpful answers and feedback
- Give enough detail, including screenshots and links if needed, and be responsive if someone provides feedback.
- Read through the “how to post” topics HERE and HERE and follow these suggestions.
- Please, don't duplicate your own topics. Duplicates will be deleted.
- Relax and have fun!
Here are some things we do not permit in the community:
- Any reference to competing applications.
- Spam or Unwanted Contact
- Illegal and Fraudulent Activities, Infringement of Intellectual Property
- Malicious Products and Activities
- Hateful Activities, Harassment and Bullying, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof)
- Deceptive Behavior and Topic Hijacking
We reserve the right to immediately remove, partly or whole any posts that do not conform to our Community Code of Conduct, without warning and explanation. We also reserve the right to temporarily or permanently suspend or bar a user who violates this Community Code of Conduct.
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