NX Witness Server as an Axis ACAP App?

In Progress



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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Barry Dent,

    For your applications such solution would be really useful. 

    I have suggested this internally quite awhile ago, and there is some movement on the subject, but I also have to admit that we face some challenges, mainly due to the chipsets Axis uses which requires quite some changes to our software. Which is technically not an issue, but limited resources and other brands that don't have these challenges lowered the priority a bit for Nx Witness mediaserver as an Axis ACAP.

    But I moved this topic to our Feature Feedback section, so our product team is aware, and the feature will move higher on our priorities list.


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    Tagir Gadelshin

    Barry Dent

    as Norman - Nx Support mentioned, we are working on it. List of models we are looking at is those that have ARTPEC-8 in it. 
    Please, let us know any ideas you have about it.

    AXIS P3265-LV

    AXIS P3265-LVE

    AXIS P3265-V

    AXIS P3267-LV

    AXIS P3267-LVE

    AXIS P3268-LV

    AXIS P3268-LVE

    AXIS Q1656

    AXIS Q1656-B

    AXIS Q1656-BE

    AXIS Q1656-BLE

    AXIS Q1656-LE

    AXIS Q3536-LVE

    AXIS Q3538-LVE

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    Fredrik Ahlsen

    I`m also very interested in this.
    Are you going to support other brands besides AXIS?

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Fredrik,

    Currently, we are working on one other brand, but encounter some issues. Are there other brands you would like to propose that have the option to install Linux-based applications on the device itself?

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    Barry Dent

    Thanks to all responders. Good luck with implementing on the Axis ARTPEC-8 devices. If it works out it would be good to see it trickle down to ARTPEC-7 and below. For me, it will be a complicated choice between the extra expense of a new, very good, camera with an API that can be accessed properly by clever people, and the combo of my much cheaper but almost- as- good image-wise existing cameras with terrible API, firmware and documentation, plus a RPi to accommodate the NX Witness Server. I will create a new post with another idea.

    My suggestion for another brand might be to look at Milesight. I chose one of their cameras recently in response to the moral dilemma around the two big brands, one of which I had bought quite a few of. I might be fooling myself that Milesight does not have the same problem, but the camera is good so far, and cheap even after I paid a local reseller margin. At least for a non-technical end user like me, the documentation seems good.

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    Joel Sabine

    I think it's great idea to have Nx run as an ACAP...

    I also agree it would be great to extend support to ARTPEC-7 as this will allow support for some entry level cameras, not sure how much more work this would add but it definitely would make it much more affordable to deploy a solution this way if the lower cost cameras could be supported.

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    Aaron ONeill

    Any news on this. 

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    Jeff Jones

    I noticed that the DW Spectrum 5.1.3 updates repository now lists an AXIS ACAP server. Is there an official list of what hardware this supports?

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    paul chandler

    Following with great interest! Where can I see that repo, Jeff. 
    Found it! I am going to see what I can do with it.

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    Jeff Jones

    The DWSpectrum updates page is here:

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    paul chandler

    Only Axis I have on the shelf right now is an ARTPEC-6 Q3515. 
    Is there a more current list than the one above?
    (Nx on the edge would solve so many problems for me)

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    Aaron ONeill

    Does'nt work on q3515


    i have installed succesfully on a p1468-le artpec-8.  Will do some testing


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    Aaron ONeill

    The above was the DW release and worked.  I have now installed the official NX release and when the webadmin page opens it just states server offline.  NX windows client sees it as a pending new system but cannot do anything with it.


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    Aaron ONeill

    App Log for the official NX Release on p1468-le

    Norman - Nx Support Could this be looked into please

    2024-03-18T10:46:56.224+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[1424]: [plugin] Destroyed IPlugin @0x7f740c5ea0 of axis_analytics_plugin
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.185+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6097]: chown: /var/spool/storage/SD_DISK/nxwitness_cn-data/data/3475d400-9692-ebe7-a8b2-9bdc32374681--3.nxdb: Operation not permitted
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.538+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: nx_utils.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_utils.ini
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.569+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: vms_server_plugins.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/vms_server_plugins.ini
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.595+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: 2024-03-18 10:47:01.594   6098 WARNING QnLongRunnable(0x55b905c750): QnLongRunnablePool instance does not exist, lifetime of this runnable will not be tracked.
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.595+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: 2024-03-18 10:47:01.595   6098 WARNING QnLongRunnable(0x55b905e250): QnLongRunnablePool instance does not exist, lifetime of this runnable will not be tracked.
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.596+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: 2024-03-18 10:47:01.596   6098    INFO MediaServerProcess(0x55b905e250): Service mode, args: '/usr/local/packages/nxwitness_cn/mediaserver/bin/mediaserver' '-e' '--conf-file' '/usr/local/packages/nxwitness_cn/mediaserver/etc/mediaserver.conf'
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.599+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: vms_server_raid_event.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/vms_server_raid_event.ini
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.600+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: nx_vms_server.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_vms_server.ini
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.604+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: nx_network.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_network.ini
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.618+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: nx::utils::log::File(0x7f94020ff0): /var/spool/storage/SD_DISK/nxwitness_cn-data/log/main.log
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.623+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: nx::utils::log::File(0x7f94022100): /var/spool/storage/SD_DISK/nxwitness_cn-data/log/system.log
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.634+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: ptz.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/ptz.ini
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.638+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: nx_vms_rules.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_vms_rules.ini
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.662+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: resource_management.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/resource_management.ini
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.665+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: >>> ASSERTION FAILED: /home/jenkins/vms.vms_5.1.3.linux_arm64-0/nx_vms/vms/server/nx_vms_server/src/media_server/media_server_module.cpp:539 (loaded) Translations cannot be initialized
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.668+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: [plugin] Created IPlugin @0x7f940c4530 of axis_analytics_plugin
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.684+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: Unable to chown /etc/nx_ini/
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.692+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: WARNING: Unable to chown /opt/networkoptix/mediaserver/etc
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.692+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: WARNING: Unable to chown /usr/local/packages/nxwitness_cn/mediaserver/etc/mediaserver.conf
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.697+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: WARNING: Unable to chown /opt/networkoptix/mediaserver/etc/running_time.conf
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.697+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: WARNING: Unable to chown /usr/local/packages/nxwitness_cn/mediaserver/bin/external.dat
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.703+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: WARNING: Unable to chown /var/spool/storage/SD_DISK/nxwitness_cn-data/staticWebContent.dat
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.766+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: db_helper.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/db_helper.ini
    2024-03-18T10:47:01.820+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: nx_vms_server_db.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_vms_server_db.ini
    2024-03-18T10:47:03.915+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: vms_server_hanwha.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/vms_server_hanwha.ini
    2024-03-18T10:47:07.386+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: nx_build_info.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_build_info.ini
    2024-03-18T10:48:47.970+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6098]: [plugin] Destroyed IPlugin @0x7f940c4530 of axis_analytics_plugin
    2024-03-18T10:48:52.677+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6420]: chown: /var/spool/storage/SD_DISK/nxwitness_cn-data/data/3475d400-9692-ebe7-a8b2-9bdc32374681--4.nxdb: Operation not permitted
    2024-03-18T10:48:52.920+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: nx_utils.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_utils.ini
    2024-03-18T10:48:52.951+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: vms_server_plugins.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/vms_server_plugins.ini
    2024-03-18T10:48:52.978+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: 2024-03-18 10:48:52.977   6421 WARNING QnLongRunnable(0x5590361750): QnLongRunnablePool instance does not exist, lifetime of this runnable will not be tracked.
    2024-03-18T10:48:52.979+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: 2024-03-18 10:48:52.978   6421 WARNING QnLongRunnable(0x5590363250): QnLongRunnablePool instance does not exist, lifetime of this runnable will not be tracked.
    2024-03-18T10:48:52.979+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: 2024-03-18 10:48:52.979   6421    INFO MediaServerProcess(0x5590363250): Service mode, args: '/usr/local/packages/nxwitness_cn/mediaserver/bin/mediaserver' '-e' '--conf-file' '/usr/local/packages/nxwitness_cn/mediaserver/etc/mediaserver.conf'
    2024-03-18T10:48:52.981+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: vms_server_raid_event.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/vms_server_raid_event.ini
    2024-03-18T10:48:52.982+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: nx_vms_server.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_vms_server.ini
    2024-03-18T10:48:52.985+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: nx_network.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_network.ini
    2024-03-18T10:48:52.998+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: nx::utils::log::File(0x55903b9680): /var/spool/storage/SD_DISK/nxwitness_cn-data/log/main.log
    2024-03-18T10:48:53.004+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: nx::utils::log::File(0x55903bb4a0): /var/spool/storage/SD_DISK/nxwitness_cn-data/log/system.log
    2024-03-18T10:48:53.015+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: ptz.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/ptz.ini
    2024-03-18T10:48:53.019+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: nx_vms_rules.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_vms_rules.ini
    2024-03-18T10:48:53.035+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: resource_management.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/resource_management.ini
    2024-03-18T10:48:53.041+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: >>> ASSERTION FAILED: /home/jenkins/vms.vms_5.1.3.linux_arm64-0/nx_vms/vms/server/nx_vms_server/src/media_server/media_server_module.cpp:539 (loaded) Translations cannot be initialized
    2024-03-18T10:48:53.043+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: [plugin] Created IPlugin @0x559045d8d0 of axis_analytics_plugin
    2024-03-18T10:48:53.056+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: Unable to chown /etc/nx_ini/
    2024-03-18T10:48:53.061+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: WARNING: Unable to chown /opt/networkoptix/mediaserver/etc
    2024-03-18T10:48:53.061+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: WARNING: Unable to chown /usr/local/packages/nxwitness_cn/mediaserver/etc/mediaserver.conf
    2024-03-18T10:48:53.066+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: WARNING: Unable to chown /opt/networkoptix/mediaserver/etc/running_time.conf
    2024-03-18T10:48:53.067+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: WARNING: Unable to chown /usr/local/packages/nxwitness_cn/mediaserver/bin/external.dat
    2024-03-18T10:48:53.071+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: WARNING: Unable to chown /var/spool/storage/SD_DISK/nxwitness_cn-data/staticWebContent.dat
    2024-03-18T10:48:53.132+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: db_helper.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/db_helper.ini
    2024-03-18T10:48:53.202+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: nx_vms_server_db.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_vms_server_db.ini
    2024-03-18T10:48:55.398+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: vms_server_hanwha.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/vms_server_hanwha.ini
    2024-03-18T10:48:58.947+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: nx_build_info.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_build_info.ini
    2024-03-18T10:49:30.976+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[6421]: [plugin] Destroyed IPlugin @0x559045d8d0 of axis_analytics_plugin
    2024-03-18T10:49:39.635+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7118]: chown: /var/spool/storage/SD_DISK/nxwitness_cn-data/data/3475d400-9692-ebe7-a8b2-9bdc32374681--5.nxdb: Operation not permitted
    2024-03-18T10:49:39.879+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: nx_utils.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_utils.ini
    2024-03-18T10:49:39.910+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: vms_server_plugins.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/vms_server_plugins.ini
    2024-03-18T10:49:39.937+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: 2024-03-18 10:49:39.936   7119 WARNING QnLongRunnable(0x559b221750): QnLongRunnablePool instance does not exist, lifetime of this runnable will not be tracked.
    2024-03-18T10:49:39.937+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: 2024-03-18 10:49:39.937   7119 WARNING QnLongRunnable(0x559b223250): QnLongRunnablePool instance does not exist, lifetime of this runnable will not be tracked.
    2024-03-18T10:49:39.938+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: 2024-03-18 10:49:39.938   7119    INFO MediaServerProcess(0x559b223250): Service mode, args: '/usr/local/packages/nxwitness_cn/mediaserver/bin/mediaserver' '-e' '--conf-file' '/usr/local/packages/nxwitness_cn/mediaserver/etc/mediaserver.conf'
    2024-03-18T10:49:39.940+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: vms_server_raid_event.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/vms_server_raid_event.ini
    2024-03-18T10:49:39.941+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: nx_vms_server.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_vms_server.ini
    2024-03-18T10:49:39.944+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: nx_network.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_network.ini
    2024-03-18T10:49:39.957+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: nx::utils::log::File(0x7f98021090): /var/spool/storage/SD_DISK/nxwitness_cn-data/log/main.log
    2024-03-18T10:49:39.962+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: nx::utils::log::File(0x7f98022200): /var/spool/storage/SD_DISK/nxwitness_cn-data/log/system.log
    2024-03-18T10:49:39.973+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: ptz.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/ptz.ini
    2024-03-18T10:49:39.977+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: nx_vms_rules.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_vms_rules.ini
    2024-03-18T10:49:39.994+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: resource_management.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/resource_management.ini
    2024-03-18T10:49:40.001+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: >>> ASSERTION FAILED: /home/jenkins/vms.vms_5.1.3.linux_arm64-0/nx_vms/vms/server/nx_vms_server/src/media_server/media_server_module.cpp:539 (loaded) Translations cannot be initialized
    2024-03-18T10:49:40.001+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: [plugin] Created IPlugin @0x7f980c46a0 of axis_analytics_plugin
    2024-03-18T10:49:40.014+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: Unable to chown /etc/nx_ini/
    2024-03-18T10:49:40.020+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: WARNING: Unable to chown /opt/networkoptix/mediaserver/etc
    2024-03-18T10:49:40.020+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: WARNING: Unable to chown /usr/local/packages/nxwitness_cn/mediaserver/etc/mediaserver.conf
    2024-03-18T10:49:40.025+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: WARNING: Unable to chown /opt/networkoptix/mediaserver/etc/running_time.conf
    2024-03-18T10:49:40.025+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: WARNING: Unable to chown /usr/local/packages/nxwitness_cn/mediaserver/bin/external.dat
    2024-03-18T10:49:40.030+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: WARNING: Unable to chown /var/spool/storage/SD_DISK/nxwitness_cn-data/staticWebContent.dat
    2024-03-18T10:49:40.090+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: db_helper.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/db_helper.ini
    2024-03-18T10:49:40.142+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: nx_vms_server_db.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_vms_server_db.ini
    2024-03-18T10:49:42.586+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: vms_server_hanwha.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/vms_server_hanwha.ini
    2024-03-18T10:49:46.491+00:00 axis-b8a44f60205b [ INFO    ] nxwitness_cn[7119]: nx_build_info.ini (absent) To fill in defaults, touch /etc/nx_ini/nx_build_info.ini
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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Jeff Jones, paul chandler, and Aaron ONeill,

    I pinged our product team about this, since as far as I know, these edge server application shouldn't be publicly available yet, since there are still some limitations to resolve or document.

    I removed the link to the packages, please do not share it again, until further notice.

    Aaron ONeill, I briefly checked the INFO log information you shared, but it seems a user rights issue, or an OS support issue. Please wait until we have officially released the Axis edge server builds or till our product team provides approval to test these edge server builds.

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    paul chandler

    Norman, don't blame us for being excited about movement on something we have waited for years for. Production ready or not, I would be very intererested to keep abreast of this and be invited to do some early beta testing. 

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    Aaron ONeill

    As would i Norman - Nx Support paul chandler

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi paul chandler,

    I wouldn't dare blaming you for this. I requested this option years before this topic existed, so I'm as exited as you guys are, however I just want to be careful, and not create any false expectations, since as far as I know, these builds aren't ready for testing yet.

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    Johnathan Powell

    Digital Watchdog has four MEGApix CaaS cameras that claim to have DW Spectrum loaded on the camera. Is this the same software you're talking about here?

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