I'd like to save the captured picture, or know how to send it using API.




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    Hi Yang,

    Nx Witness support inCamera analysis of LPR on the cameras, you may check with the distributor or local integrator, they will provide you the exact models and brands that can be used.

    If you are using the camera model or a LPR system which are not supported at the moment, you can try to use the Generic event with HTTP Request to integrate your own system.

    Or you can develop the plugin via MetaSDK in C++, which provides you the function which you may expect.


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    Hi Yang,

    There are some more notices regarding the case you provided.

    you can try to use the Generic event with HTTP Request to integrate your own system.

    You may refer to this article - https://support.networkoptix.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010436293-How-to-get-a-snapshot-from-a-camera-via-email-when-an-event-is-detected

    In the article it provides the email action fyr, but you can use the Do HTTP Request to trigger a middleware to download the snapshots by using the API and save to some where you desired. 


    If you need the plate or cropped image, the best way is to use the MetaSDK.
    By using  MetaSDK in C++,  you could define the best shot, crop it accordingly and do the necessary post-process if required, and store or send the image afterwards.



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