Hikvision NVR Channel Shuffle
AnsweredWe have a DS-7732NI-I4(B) NVR running 4.61.030 build 240123, there are 10 cameras on the NVR. It is added to DW as an NVR/Encoder.
Now, Channel 9 camera has failed and is currently offline.
On the NVR, Channel 9 is off - Channel 10 shows correctly.
On ODM, Channel 9 is off - channel 10 shows correctly.
The problem is on DW, the camera that was Channel 9 has been changed to Channel 10 in the RTSP - shows Channel 10 video under the Channel 9 camera (so archive is getting messed up) and Channel 10 camera shows offline.
Channel 9 on DW changes Primary Stream and secondary to
rtsp://192.168.0.xxx:554/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/1001 and 1002 (respectively)
rtsp://192.168.0.xxx:554/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/0901 and 0902
The camera that is Channel 10, still has
rtsp://192.168.0.xxx:554/ISAPI/Streaming/channels/1001 and 1002
but shows OFFLINE with a red X and the following camera diagnostics:
Confirming server availability.
Confirming camera is accessible.
FAILED: Camera request "getVideoSources" failed with error "SOAP response has small range: Range parameter = VideoSources, Range size = 9, Desired size = 10, Caller = fetchChannelCount(), Device = DS-7732NI-I4(B)-channel 10, id = {8962ab8d-0133-2141-7b54-d58e0c0063ae}, url = http://192.168.0.xxx:yyyy/onvif/device_service?channel=10, request command = GetVideoSources". Please try to reboot the camera, then restore factory defaults on the web-page. Finally, try to update firmware. If the problem persists, please contact support.
Diagnostics complete
We have had this before on other devices. If Channel 4 were to be offline - 5, 6, 7. 8. 9, and 10 would ALL shuffle one down to "fill" the void and it messes up live view and archiving.
It displays correctly in ODM, why is DW shuffling cameras around rather than correctly showing Channel 9 as offline?
This may be similar to case #38850 that Wendy Chuang had resolved. That was on a Dahua when adding but the same issue of DW assuming Channel Count Available and then assuming that those Channels were sequentially available?
It may also be related similarly to https://support.networkoptix.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/23870047763351-Encoder-issue-with-DW-shuffling-channels
which Anderson Chang was assisting with previously.
Please can we get assistance and resolution for DW to not change RTSP arbitrarily? To maintain the channels as added and report the incorrect channel as offline - rather than shuffle sequences to match currently available cameras?
Hi I S,
As mentioned in the previous posts, it seems that you are encountering a common issue with Hikvision NVRs.
My colleague, Ruslan, has also confirmed that, although this issue is not on our side, we are planning to implement a workaround to resolve this issue once and for all.
However, we currently do not have a firm schedule for when this will be released.In the meantime, since resolving this issue will likely require forwarding the NVR to us for a deeper investigation, I have created a support ticket on your behalf.
Please proceed with further discussions through the email associated with the ticket.Thank you.
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