Zapier Integration

In Progress



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    Hi Cooper,

    Thanks for your question but we are afraid that the description might be not very clear to us.
    What kind of Zapier task you have configured (and how) then which system you have connected?

    Where did you see the "not found"? 

    It is be appreciated if you can provide the full scenario and detail, so we can have a better understanding to the question. Thanks for your understanding.

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    Hi Cooper,

    Not sure if this is the page you are looking for, fyi,

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    Hi Ichiro,

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you, this integration had been working until sometime in April I believe.

    The connection to NX within Zapier appears to be broken and when I attempt to reconnect I'm met with the following message.

    The account I'm attempting to add has full admin rights on the system

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    Hi Cooper,

    This seems an error on Zapier side, so likely the troubleshooting should be starting from the Zapier side to understand why it can't access the system.

    I am not sure if this is due to the authentication, but likely you can check it by enable the digest authentication or you may need to update the token if you are using Oauth2.


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    Hi Ichiro,

    I'll raise this with Zapier now, with it asking for a cloud account will those authentication issues still be relevant? 


    Thanks for your help, 


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    Hi Cooper,

    Thank you for your question. As mentioned in our previous reply, we are still awaiting your response.

    What kind of Zapier task you have configured (and how) then which system you have connected?
    Where did you see the "not found"? 
    It is be appreciated if you can provide the full scenario and detail, so we can have a better understanding to the question. 

    Could you please provide details about the Zapier task you have configured, including how it was set up and which system it is connected to? Additionally, where did you encounter the "not found" error?

    We would greatly appreciate it if you could provide the full scenario and details so we can better understand the issue. If possible, could you also share a screen capture of what you are seeing during the procedure?


    with it asking for a cloud account will those authentication issues still be relevant? 

    It's normal and expected to be asked for a cloud account or authentication.


    I am not sure if this is due to the authentication, but likely you can check it by enable the digest authentication or you may need to update the token if you are using Oauth2.

    As you may know and we have mentioned in earlier reply, the cloud authentication now only work with OAuth2 (token-based authentication). You may need to update the token if you are using OAuth2 or if Zapier supports OAuth2 (token-based authentication), it may be necessary.

    We need your help to clarify what you are seeing and the specific error message.
    Thank you for your cooperation. I hope this helps.

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