Camera Offline Threshold




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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Tas Maniatis,

    The customer can't change this value.
    Also, typically, prior to such event, there are first missing RTP packages (no response for 1000 ms) and multiple attempts (6) to reinitialize the RTSP stream, before a Camera goes offline.

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    Tas Maniatis

    Hi Norman,

    Thank you for your response.

    The customer simply wanted to reduce the amount of alerts that a pushed through.

    I am aware of the process and that there is no adjustment at the moment but would be nice if it were a feature in upcoming releases.

    Thank you again.

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Tas Maniatis,

    In our opinion, network issues are important enough to notify someone about, however you could debate the interval of action. Notifying someone after a device is offline for such a long period is something we wouldn't recommend, since there will be gaps in the recording, which might cause questions if the events aren't known.

    If they want to have fewer notifications, they could change this value of the interval of action or disable it completely.

    By default, a mobile notification is sent no more than once per 6 hours, while a desktop notification is sent no more than once per 30 seconds, and email no more than once per 6 hours as well.

    They could change this value to seconds, minutes, hours or days, with a maximum of no more than once per 9999 days.



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    Tas Maniatis

    I completely understand and agree.

    I will let my customer know.

    Thanks again Norman.

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