Question about removing storage




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    Andrew Sharrem

    As there is no official reply just yet, here is my experience & recommendation.

    To retire storage without data loss is a simple matter of time, and there are a couple of approaches.

    Disabling recording to a drive still leaves the video archive available to the nx system, but it no longer expires according to the camera recording retention policy [as far as I know] - basically read only.

    Leaving storage enabled & moving cameras to another server & storage path will continue to expire the archive, according to the camera recording retention policy - sort of an auto cleansing approach.

    So, if you don't want to set a recording retention policy [per camera, also doable via multiple select], then I would just disable the retiring recording path and reformat / repurpose it after a period of time. This approach also works in single server systems

    A 3rd option suited to server retirement & utilizing the same storage during a transition is to use the same storage path for 2 or more servers (not usually recommended). Set a camera recording retention policy, but do not disable storage, & move cameras to a new server - but with the same archive path. Retire the old server after the retention policy max period, then remove or adjust the recording retention policy as desired. Since version 5, the archive folder hierarchy now includes the server hardware ID by default, so mitigates reindex issues.

    Kind regards,

    Andrew Sharrem

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    Stephen Abbot

    Hi Andrew, thanks for taking the time to respond, so your assesment is pretty much as I assumed, turn the storage off as an archive, it will remain available as read only, once a desired time frame has passed (during which archive on that storage can still be viewed in the timeline) remove from the server and I am then free to attach it as storage on a new server.

    Will give it a go and report back in a month of so.

    Cheers Stephen

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Stephen Abbot,

    What Andrew Sharrem said. ;-)

    You also could move the old data to the new storage and reindex the new storage, and let it rotate there, but for 80 TB this will take a fair bit of time. This way the old storage device becomes available faster.

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    Stephen Abbot

    Hi, Norman, yes I see your point, for now,  we will wait, I have just brought new storage online, so plenty to go around, will rejoin this older storage in a month.



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