Easy License plate recognization




  • Official comment
    Tony Luce

    Hi Arnaud - LPR is not our specialty. That being said, with our upcoming Bookmarks and Generic Events features integrating a 3rd party License Plate Recognition package should be a snap.

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    Warren Bull

    Hi Tony, could you explain this video :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1CrVdaCdGk Uploaded by "Andy Wen" There are no instructions on how to make this happen! I have a Hikvision DS-2CD4A26FWD-IZS/P 

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    Kyle Folger

    Yes, that is pretty slick. I would like to know how this was done. There are many sites and we get many requests for LPR.

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    Hi Kyle,


    Sorry for the misunderstanding. Andy is our APAC Sales, who is working in Nx.

    So there is no confusion, it is really a function Nx can achieve within few configurations.

    This case can be done in v3.0 already. 

    Most importantly, there is NO native integration, only combine the existed functions.

    In fact - This is the SAME thing - VCA analytics using the guide that Tony posted.


    The function is achieved by Generic Event API. In that video, it simply uses the function in Nx, called Generic event and Bookmark, which have been announced 6 months ago since Nx 3.0 already.


    To do this, there are some requirements should be noticed - 

    1. You need an LPR camera or an LPR software.

    2. The LPR camera or software should BE ABLE TO do HTTP request - which can send HTTP request out to 3rd party software without problems.

    3. Setup the HTTP Request detail in LPR camera or software, the detail can be found here - https://support.networkoptix.com/hc/en-us/articles/227195368-HTTP-Generic-Event-aka-sending-events-to-Nx-Witness-using-the-CreateEvent-API-


    In Nx, you can simply setup the event rules - "When Receiving the notification from LPR system, making bookmark"

    Then you can see the same thing in that video.

    Also, you can find API generator on https://my.networkoptix.com/#/


    This is not difficult for any qualified system integrators. Only some hands-on and understanding the working logic.

    When we released two functions, we said it can achieve lots of functions and INTEGRATE ANYTHINGS YOU WANT. 

    This is just an example but you will need to have some hands-on effort. 


    We look forward to seeing your result in your system.


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    Warren Bull

    That info is really great thanks - any friendly hints on how to get the Hikvision to push this info out to NX Witness? has anyone managed it before?


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    Tony Luce

    Hi Warren - 

    There are several companies out there that have done integrations, but as they were done outside of Nx by integrators and 3rd party manufacturers without our assistance we currently don't have a real good grasp of how many integrations are out there in the wild. 

    We are working on gathering integrations information currently and hope to have a consolidated place to find integrations by the end of this year / early 2018.

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi All,

    I realize this is an old question - but those features are now part of Nx Witness. Check out the latest version if you haven't yet.

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