Dahua IP Door station - cannot activate output
I cannot active output on my DHI-VTO2202F-P-S2, (under this firmware 4.600.0000000.0.R, Build Date 2022-08-13) to open door. Via the dahua app, I can (of course), but via rules with Nx : I can't.
Nx officially support this product (https://nxvms.com/ipvd?search=DHI-VTO2202F-P-S2)
Wendy Chuang : any idea ?
Hi Julien ROMANO,
Since we don't provide any promise for response time in the community, I would like to suggest you contact your local distributor or create a ticket directly next time.I've created a ticket for this problem, please share the port forwarding information of this device for further checking.
Thank you.
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