
brett davies

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    brett davies created a post,

    Android App Issues


    Android App user  is unable to turn push notifications on. Each time he tries it says "Check your internet connection". iPhone users have no issue on the same network.  mobile Data and Wifi is enab...

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    brett davies commented,

    Im not concerned about browsers, i dont knwo anyone who needs thier browser to work for NX. I am however worried about the stream of questions and complaints about the certificates etc over the las...

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    brett davies commented,

    My current situations is i have about 50 different sites all having this problem. Yes the mobile client still squeals 

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    brett davies commented,

    ok it gets a new certificate but doesnt resolve the issue    

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    brett davies commented,

    Ill give it a go but its EVERY site. Thats a whole lot of stuffing around on many many sites to resolve this. Was this meant to happen or is it an unforeseen issue?

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    brett davies commented,

    Strangely most of the certfiicates expired in 2017 but its only now everything is screaming. Surely im not the only one this is happening to. Theres nothing different here?  

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    brett davies commented,

    HI, This isnt working. The issue has spread out to 30odd servers/installations and following the above never renews the certificate. The certificates are all issued by Network Optix Clients are all...

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    brett davies commented,

    no u didnt do that NOrman, I didnt say that.  Often tech support assumes the user is the issue. Often thats correct but not always.  As long as we can solve the issues and not handball tham im happy

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    brett davies commented,

    Ok so at least for me, the client couldnt and shouldnt have to understand this. Some clients we remain managing thier systems others prefer to do it themselves and this issue has raised a lot of qu...

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    brett davies commented,

    Thanks Norman - I’ve got quite a few to do so will sit down tomorrow and get it done. I’ll come back to you if I have any issues