Access Restrictions




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    Tuli Dem

    Uncheck all under the Cameras and Resources tab and then click on the Layouts tab. Only check layouts that have the cameras that you want to share with chook.......@.

    Lastly, make sure that chook.......@. is actually under that role. From the image that you posted it seems that the role that we are looking at is a new unnamed role.

    Good luck!

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    Tristan Stania


    Chook (Robert), is assigned the Viewer role. But when I click Edit Roles, it opens up the dialog below for a New Role.... ?

    Also, does this assign permission to a Role, or to a User?



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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Tristan Stania,

    In addition to the comment of Tuli Dem (thanks for that), I would like to inform you about the following;

    Default roles will provide access to all available resources.

    If you want to assign just a part of the available Cameras and Resources and or Layouts, you can create a New Role and select the desired Cameras and Resources and/or Layouts.

    Please note, that if you assign a layout that includes resources that weren't selected in the Cameras and Resources tab, the user role provides access to all resources assigned to the specified layout.

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