Clarification on backup behaviour in v5
AnsweredI've read the docs, but just wanted to 100% understand the behaviour of the "Skip Current Queue" button and how the "Maximum backup queue size" is calculated.
For the example below, if I press the "Skip Current Queue" now at say 4pm, and have backups scheduled to start at say 8pm this evening what would the behaviour be when the backup starts at 8pm? What will it not backup in that run? Is it everything prior to the last backup and me pressing that button? Will the queue that is not backed up ever be backed up, i.e. in the following day?
And perhaps a silly question, but is the "Maximum backup queue size" a cumulative time of footage to upload or estimated time to backup?
Also, what is the use case for the Skip Current Queue button, it seems like an extra ordinarily powerful/dangerous button to have right there in the main backup interface, that someone can press and ensure that footage will potentially be aged out faster than it would be if you say kept limited footage locally but a large amount on backup storage. I can see that perhaps if you had a huge amount of footage locally and your backup was too slow to be able to ever catch up then perhaps you might use it once at the beginning of setting up your backups?
We have a storage plugin that pushes to S3, so we generally keep a large history in backup and less locally, maybe we are different to the norm here?
Hi Campbell Steven,
If you press Skip Current Queue the backup process will ignore existing footage and only backup recordings after that point.
The Maximum backup queue size is the oldest not backed up archive between all cameras is in this case 2 hours 48 minutes back from live.
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