Feature Feedback Template
CompletedWe have created a template to assist users in providing complete and structured information in the Feature Feedback. The template can be copied/pasted and edited by adding the required information before submitting Feature Feedback.
Please keep the bold text in your request and replace the non-bold text between the <> with the information you want to share. This makes it easy to find information for the support teams.
<Provide a short and concise description of the feature requested>
<Provide a detailed description of the feature requested. The more details, the more likely it will be that our team understands the goals of the request.>
Business impact of the limitation or the missing feature
<What is the current impact of the limitation, or the missing feature. What is it that you need to achieve.>
<Add anything else, you want to add or clarify your request. We love screenshots, mockups, etc. that clarifies the request even more.>
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