Export Camera List



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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Glynn Thomas,

    We totally agree, and therefore this option already exists, except for the .xml export.

    1. Navigate to the Main Menu, and select the System Administration or just hit Ctrl+Alt+A.
    2. In the tab General, click on the Camera List.
    3. Select the data as you would in a spreadsheet (e.g. Ctrl+A to select all, Ctrl+Left-click to select specific devices, Ctrl+Left-Click & Shift+Left-Click to select any in between the 2 clicks) and Right-Click.
    4. Select Export to File..

    The Export menu opens:

    1. Select the applicable destination
    2. Enter a File name.
    3. Select the Files of type: *.csv or *.html
    4. Hit Save.

    Even more information can be collected in a *.json fileformat with the following API call:


    I hope this solved your request.

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