How to edit presets position in NX witness




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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Daniel Francis,

    Within Nx, you cannot change the presets that we created inside the camera setup and vice versa.

    We would recommend setting the presets inside Nx, so you can call them within Nx and use them within the Nx Rules engine.

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    Daniel Francis

    Thank you for your response, if the preset is set in NX witness how is the preset edited to a different position? Instead of having to create a new preset and delete the old one every time.

    Thank you

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Daniel Francis,

    Currently, there is no other way, I'll share this as a request to our developers as a future improvement of this feature, but I'm not sure if and when this will be possible.


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    Daniel Francis

    Thank you Norman,

    It would be purely for ease for the end user. Making it possible to edit a preset position without having to go into the web GUI for the camera. eg. Licence plate recognition - An entry gate is closed and a new one is opened shifting this position without entering to far into camera programming would be great for the end user.

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Daniel Francis

    I understand, but since each manufacturer has its own method for storing these presets, which also can vary per product line, we prefer to set the presets in Nx Witness itself to have a consistent method which can be used in other systems as well through our server API.

    Do I interpret the situation correctly, that someone calls a preset manually if the correct license plate has been read?

    If so, you can make the life of the user much easier by automating this process by combining the one of the following Event with one of the following actions:

    Possible Events:

    • LPR function is integrated:
      Event = Analytics Event and the applicable Event Type.
    • LPR function isn't integrated, and the device can send HTTP events to the Nx Server:
      Event = Generic Event with the applicable Source, Caption, and/or Description.
    • LPR function isn't integrated, and the device can trigger the input signal of the device:
      Event = Input Signal on Camera.

    Possible Actions:

    • Presets are stored in the camera and the API available to trigger these presets:
      Action = Do HTTP request with the applicable API call.
    • Presets are stored in Nx Witness:
      Action = Execute PTZ preset and select the applicable preset number.



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