User level PTZ control priority
In ProgressHi,
I use NX Witness desktop and currently have 4 stations each acting as local server for the client. I Only use the system for camera view and control of PTZ. I need to be able to have diffeent users with different PTZ priority levels such that all users can operate the PTZ camera but if user1 with highest priority wants to use the PTZ it takes control from all other users set at lower priorities. Is this possible?
If not possible running local servers, is it possible to achieve this using a central server(s)?
Official comment
Hi naveer yazdan,
Currently, this is not possible. At this stage you only can assign PTZ control to a user or no PTZ control permissions at all.
I'll move this topic to the New Feature Ideas section so our Product team will be aware of this request and other community member can vote for this option.
Comment actions -
Hi tolga altun
Currently, this feature is not on the roadmap, but if this feature gets many votes, it might be.
naveer yazdan
tolga altun
Hi everyone!
Recently we've discussed in our product team the possibility of making admin PTZ commands having a priority over other users PTZ commands.
Probably there will be some time window (e.g., 10sec), for which other users with the same or lower access level will be blocked from operating the camera (except admin that is sending commands now). So if admin is constantly sending PTZ commands -- all users will be blocked. When he stops it and 10sec passes, new commands can be taken from all users.
Would that help you?
So there will be no new PTZ access levels, but we will use the ones, that we already have (admin/non-admin)
I should emphasize that we didn't plan it and we didn't include it in the roadmap, so there is no ETA for this. We are only collecting feedback and evaluating this feature
VMS-19913 -
Hi Tagir,
if this means that when non-admin users are using the PTZ and a user with admin level access also tries to use the same PTZ and he/she is given priority over other active users then this will work at least for me :-).
I know you said you have no ETA but is this something that could be available in 1st QTR next year? I am about to press go on a PO for the competitors VMS as this functionality is a must for me but if I know that there is hope I can hold off.
naveer yazdan
I'm sorry to say that,
but I don't think we'll have a major update till Q3 2021.
And including this feature in that update is still not defined
If we decide that it can be included, then I'll let you know. But anyway it will come later than Q1 2021 -
Hello Tagir Gadelshin and Norman - Nx Support we also got the same request on French market.
We need to be able to setup 3 levels in PTZ, so the top user got prioty to use compare to other.
In addition we need to blcok the control of lower users when a tour is running.
For example Level 2 starts a tour, only level 2, or level 1 can stop the stour and send a command.
This is used a lot in safe city project in France.
Guilhem Decoux
thanks for your user story! We will consider it. But not sure if it will be implemented in the first version of the feature
but it's a great idea, I've added it -
naveer yazdan
unfortunately, it was postponed, so the next major release (5.0) won't have it
I understand your need for this feature, but our roadmap is full of different requests. We can't fulfill all of the at once
Sorry for that -
For us, it is one of the most anticipated functions for city monitoring. Without this function, we most often lose tenders for city monitoring, and usually these are projects from several dozen to several hundred cameras. Last year the biggest tender we lost, among others for this reason it was 2,000 cameras. So the longer it takes to implement, the more city large projects you lose.
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