Bounding boxes are not visible/working for custom meta data packets




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    Andrey Terentyev

    Hello Mohamed,

    1. It order the bounding box to be displayed in the live stream on the scene the metadata has to returned in lest then 2 seconds delay. Are you sure your code (curl query over HTTP, response processing etc.) does not introduce the delay more then 2 seconds?

    2. Does your query return any content to the readBuffer ? Does j has a value?

    Try to dump to log the objectMetadata just before


    Does it look like what you expect it to be?

    3. Where is m_trackId initialized? Does it have the same value over frames (i.e. pullMetadataPackets calls)?

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    Mohamed Thasin

    Hello Andrey, 


    After a few modifications on the existing code I am able to view a single bounding box on client Application. Still multiples are not visible even though I am passing multiple coordinates. 


    1. It order the bounding box to be displayed in the live stream on the scene the metadata has to returned in lest then 2 seconds delay. Are you sure your code (curl query over HTTP, response processing etc.) does not introduce the delay more then 2 seconds?

         Yes, it returns less than a sec. So, this is not the problem. 


    2. Does your query return any content to the readBuffer ? Does j has a value?

         yes, it readBuffer has proper value. Sample Response of J. 





    >>> The above snippet prints 1. i.e., for each iteration of object in J, it prints 1. (I think it's desired result)


    3. Where is m_trackId initialized? Does it have the same value over frames (i.e. pullMetadataPackets calls)?

    m_trackId is initialized in  generateEventMetadataPacket

    m_trackId = nx::sdk::UuidHelper::randomUuid();

    It has the below value and it's same value over frames.



    Apart from this, When I print `objectMetadataPacket` at end of each object J iteration completion it has only 1 value. i think this is the issue. objectMetadataPacket is holding single value, instead of appending with previous values.



    this is a part of log which illustrates the current issue.

    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] processMetadataPackets(): Producing 1 metadata packet(s).
    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] logMetadataPacketIfNeeded(): Object metadata packet #0 contains 8 item(s).
    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] doPushDataPacket() END
    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] doPushDataPacket() BEGIN
    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] doPushDataPacket() END
    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] doPushDataPacket() BEGIN
    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] doPushDataPacket() END
    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] doPushDataPacket() BEGIN

    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] ----object Metadata---
    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1

    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] ----object Metadata---
    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1

    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] ----object Metadata---
    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1

    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] ----object Metadata---
    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1

    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] ----object Metadata---
    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1

    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] ----object Metadata---
    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1

    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] ----object Metadata---
    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1

    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] ----object Metadata---
    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1

    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] =====objectMetadataPacket===
    [sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1

    In the above log it says producing Object metadata packet #0 contains 8 item(s) as I expected. And it's pushing each object meta data into objectMetadataPacket one by one by iterating j. At the end of loop, objectMetadataPacket should contain 8 items. But, it holds only 1. I think this is the reason why I am getting only one rectangle box. If you need any other information please ask me. 


    My current CookSomeObjects function looks like below,


    std::vector<IMetadataPacket*> DeviceAgent::cookSomeObjects()


    std::vector<IMetadataPacket*> result;


    auto objectMetadataPacket = makePtr<ObjectMetadataPacket>();

    CURL *curl;
    CURLcode res;
    std::string readBuffer;
    std::string body = "path=/var/www/html/images/"+std::to_string(m_lastVideoFrameTimestampUs)+".jpg";

    curl = curl_easy_init();
    if(curl) {
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "localhost:5000/process");
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, body.c_str());
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteCallback);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &readBuffer);
    res = curl_easy_perform(curl);

    auto j = json::parse(readBuffer);

    for (auto& context : j) {

    float a = context["x1"];
    float b = context["y1"];
    float c = context["height"];
    float d = context["width"];
    std::string label = context["label"];


    auto objectMetadata = makePtr<ObjectMetadata>();

    else if(label=="truck"){
    else if(label=="bike"){

    objectMetadata->setBoundingBox(Rect(a, b, c, d));



    return result;


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