Bounding boxes are not visible/working for custom meta data packets
AnsweredI am using external python API to receive coordinates and I am using Hello World plugin as my template.
Using this I am able to view rectangle box on client Application. since my application requires to draw multiple rectangles I implemented pullMetadataPackets using Stub Application plugin.
After modifying my plugin it looks like below,
pullMetadataPackets function
bool DeviceAgent::pullMetadataPackets(std::vector<IMetadataPacket*>* metadataPackets)
*metadataPackets = cookSomeObjects();
m_lastVideoFrameTimestampUs = 0;
nx::kit::utils::format("generated %d metadata packet(s)", metadataPackets->size());
// metadataPackets->push_back(generateObjectMetadataPacket().releasePtr());
return true; //< There were no errors while filling metadataPackets.
cookSomeObjects function
std::vector<IMetadataPacket*> DeviceAgent::cookSomeObjects()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_objectGenerationMutex);
std::vector<IMetadataPacket*> result;
if (m_lastVideoFrameTimestampUs == 0)
return result;
if (m_frameTimestampUsQueue.empty())
return result;
const auto metadataTimestampUs = m_frameTimestampUsQueue.front();
auto objectMetadataPacket = makePtr<ObjectMetadataPacket>();
const microseconds delay(m_lastVideoFrameTimestampUs - metadataTimestampUs);
CURL *curl;
CURLcode res;
std::string readBuffer;
std::string body = "path=/var/www/html/images/"+std::to_string(m_lastVideoFrameTimestampUs)+".jpg";
curl = curl_easy_init();
if(curl) {
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "localhost:5000/process");
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, body.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &readBuffer);
res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
auto j = json::parse(readBuffer);
for (auto& context : j) {
float a = context["x1"];
float b = context["y1"];
float c = context["height"];
float d = context["width"];
auto objectMetadata = makePtr<ObjectMetadata>();
objectMetadata->setBoundingBox(Rect(a, b, c, d));
return result;
The above code is not drawing any of the rectangles. It seems something is missing in cooksomeobjects Function. I don't know how to proceed further. Is there anything missing or not handled properly in the above code? any hint would be appreciable.
Official comment
Mohamed had found the root cause of the problem and described it here:
Comment actions -
Hello Mohamed,
1. It order the bounding box to be displayed in the live stream on the scene the metadata has to returned in lest then 2 seconds delay. Are you sure your code (curl query over HTTP, response processing etc.) does not introduce the delay more then 2 seconds?
2. Does your query return any content to the readBuffer ? Does j has a value?
Try to dump to log the objectMetadata just before
Does it look like what you expect it to be?
3. Where is m_trackId initialized? Does it have the same value over frames (i.e. pullMetadataPackets calls)?
Hello Andrey,
After a few modifications on the existing code I am able to view a single bounding box on client Application. Still multiples are not visible even though I am passing multiple coordinates.
1. It order the bounding box to be displayed in the live stream on the scene the metadata has to returned in lest then 2 seconds delay. Are you sure your code (curl query over HTTP, response processing etc.) does not introduce the delay more then 2 seconds?
Yes, it returns less than a sec. So, this is not the problem.
2. Does your query return any content to the readBuffer ? Does j has a value?
yes, it readBuffer has proper value. Sample Response of J.
objectMetadataPacket->addItem(objectMetadata.get());>>> The above snippet prints 1. i.e., for each iteration of object in J, it prints 1. (I think it's desired result)
3. Where is m_trackId initialized? Does it have the same value over frames (i.e. pullMetadataPackets calls)?
m_trackId is initialized in generateEventMetadataPacketm_trackId = nx::sdk::UuidHelper::randomUuid();
It has the below value and it's same value over frames.
Apart from this, When I print `objectMetadataPacket` at end of each object J iteration completion it has only 1 value. i think this is the issue. objectMetadataPacket is holding single value, instead of appending with previous values.
result.push_back(objectMetadataPacket.releasePtr());`this is a part of log which illustrates the current issue.
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] processMetadataPackets(): Producing 1 metadata packet(s).
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] logMetadataPacketIfNeeded(): Object metadata packet #0 contains 8 item(s).
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] doPushDataPacket() END
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] doPushDataPacket() BEGIN
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] doPushDataPacket() END
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] doPushDataPacket() BEGIN
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] doPushDataPacket() END
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] doPushDataPacket() BEGIN[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] ----object Metadata---
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] ----object Metadata---
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] ----object Metadata---
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] ----object Metadata---
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] ----object Metadata---
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] ----object Metadata---
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] ----object Metadata---
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] ----object Metadata---
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] =====objectMetadataPacket===
[sample_analytics_plugin_device_{e3e9a385-7fe0-3ba5-5482-a86cde7faf48}] 1
In the above log it says producing Object metadata packet #0 contains 8 item(s) as I expected. And it's pushing each object meta data into objectMetadataPacket one by one by iterating j. At the end of loop, objectMetadataPacket should contain 8 items. But, it holds only 1. I think this is the reason why I am getting only one rectangle box. If you need any other information please ask me.My current CookSomeObjects function looks like below,
std::vector<IMetadataPacket*> DeviceAgent::cookSomeObjects()
{std::vector<IMetadataPacket*> result;
auto objectMetadataPacket = makePtr<ObjectMetadataPacket>();
CURL *curl;
CURLcode res;
std::string readBuffer;
std::string body = "path=/var/www/html/images/"+std::to_string(m_lastVideoFrameTimestampUs)+".jpg";curl = curl_easy_init();
if(curl) {
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "localhost:5000/process");
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, body.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &readBuffer);
res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
}auto j = json::parse(readBuffer);
for (auto& context : j) {
float a = context["x1"];
float b = context["y1"];
float c = context["height"];
float d = context["width"];
std::string label = context["label"];auto objectMetadata = makePtr<ObjectMetadata>();
else if(label=="truck"){
else if(label=="bike"){
objectMetadata->setBoundingBox(Rect(a, b, c, d));objectMetadataPacket->addItem(objectMetadata.get());
return result;}
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