plugin video stream is not available on nx cloud?
AnsweredI have installed network optix VMS client and server successfully. After this I have added stub_plugin also added. I can see the result(bounding box) on client viewer. But, I am unable to view the same screen on my network optix view even though I have recorded the video and connected to cloud.
result from client viewer:
result from network optix clod
Official comment
Hi Akshay,
The bounding boxes are only applicable for the desktop client and currently aren't displayed in the Nx WebAdmin or the NxCloud viewer.
Ps. I moved your topic from the Nx Cloud section to the Developer forum section.
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Hello Akshay,
Let me add more details to what my colleague expressed last time.
The response for the method /ec2/analyticsLookupObjectTracks will provide you with an array of JSON objects, each of those stands for the separate track.
Every such JSON object contains attributes deviceId, firstAppearanceTimeUs and lastAppearanceTimeUs which have values representing the device id and the timestamp in milliseconds UTC of the first and last time the object was noticed at a certain device field of view.
To export this piece of video Nx API provides you with a following means:
The /hls method allows to download to mkv and ts formats. Transcoding is not applied in this case.
The above method allows to download video in webm, mp4, mpegts and mpjpeg formats. Most of them require transcoding. It results in the resources usage overhead.For more details feel free to check the Nx Media Server API documentation available at any Media Server web-page in "For Developers" section. Search for "Direct download" and "HTTP Streaming".
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