Audio from multiple cameras?




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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Jasper,

    Currently, this isn't possible, but we are trying to create such a feature for v4.2, maybe as a patch after the release of 4.1. 

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    Norman - Nx Support

    This topic was moved from Nx Desktop to New Feature Ideas

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    Hi Norman,

    Would it be possible to implement this in the current version as a patch? This is a dealbreaker for the client to close the offer. They have several daycare locations where they would want to use this feature. If this is an "easy fix" to change I would really appreciate the effort!


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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Jasper,

    Unfortunately there is no option to expedite this feature nor could I provide a solid date. 

    Not sure what the use case is, but I could imagine they want to hear when a sleeping kid wakes up. 
    In that case, more and more cameras have an option in their in-camera analytics, that when a certain sound level is reached, an event will be created. 

    Currently, the following brands are natively supported; Axis, Dahua, Hanwha, and Hikvision. If the cameras have the option to send out a generic event in case of an event, we could receive those as well. 


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    We will use Axis cameras and indeed there is an audio detection feature which we tested already. 

    This thing I had already in mind if the multiple audio channel was not an option. 

    Thank you for your quick response!

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    Tagir Gadelshin

    Jasper Leenknegt

    I'm happy to inform you that we've implemented this in the October patch for 4.1:

    The feature can be enabled via a checkbox in Local settings:
    Play audio from all cameras on layout

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    Hi Tagir,

    Great to hear this feature request is made possible. For this client we needed this for we used a third party software that runned in the background. I will now try to update to this patch so it will be a more simpler/better setup.

    We love Network Optix because you guys listen to their clients/users! Keep up the good work!

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    We did updated the clients VMS and they are using this feature on a daily basis. We got asked if it was possible to add this feature to the mobile NX Witness application? Would this be possible?

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