Dual authorization
Not planneddual authorizationgroup. A dual authorization group has its ownaccess rights within nx witness. This dual authorization group should havemore access rights than the normal user groupthat the user belongs to. Example: User A ismember of a user group called Group A. User B ismember of Group B. Additionally a dualauthorization group is configured with Group Aand Group B as members. For the users of GroupA, dual authorization is optional, for users ofGroup B it is mandatory. When user A logs on, asecond dialog box for confirming the logon isdisplayed. In this dialog box, a second user canlog on if he is available. If not, user A can continueand start the nx witness. He then has onlythe access rights of Group A. When user B logson, again a second dialog box for logging on isdisplayed. In this dialog box, a second user mustlog on. If not, user B cannot start the nx witness
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