LPR Integration, how to see/search the metadata appearing in NxWitness Client software?




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    Oscar Hsieh

    Hi Sunandita. 

    I've just spoke with Tolga.

    Please sign up to our META VMP where you will get support and tools for creating a plugin and a higher integration of the LPR in our system. http://www.networkoptix.com/meta/

    Our technical staff will provide support for you to achieve this.




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    Nx Support

    Hello Sunadita,

    There is no way to pass metadata information using generic events right now, but we plan to extend its capabilities at some point.

    Can you please explain in a bit more details, what image are you sending and what handling of the image do you expect inside the software?


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    sunandita das

    Dear NxSupport,

    I am passing all the information for each vehicle transaction, related to LPR from our system to your system using generic event, which is well received and appearing in the dashboard as well.

    Generally each LPR event has a image associated with it just for information (In future, if anybody wants to refer the image in case), which is optional.

    I just want to know if it is fine to skip the image as part of metadata of the LPR event (sending a compressed base64string image in the uri resulting a very low quality image also)?

    Also, can user go and check the past video clip or image from your recorded streaming from the camera to the Generic event timestamp if required? If this is possible then I think image is not required at all.


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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Sundita,

    No screenshot is required. 

    In the URL you can add the screenshot by adding the cameraRefs like in this URL:<licenseplate>&metadata={"cameraRefs":["3A4AD4EA-9269-4B1F-A7AA-2CEC537D0248"]}

    Where 3A4AD4EA-9269-4B1F-A7AA-2CEC537D0248 is the cameraId. 

    The cameraId can be found throught the desktop client via the Camera Settings menu, tab General or via an API call (/ec2/getCamerasEx).

    If this URL is sent to the server and in the rules engine you setup a Generic Event as the event and Bookmark as the action, users will be able to open or archive the corresponding footage until they are overwritten via the notification panel, the timeline or the bookmark list. 


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    sunandita das

    Dear Norman,

    So what I understand, we can store the corresponding camera reference id (as per your system) in our system and while sending the LPR event we will just add that camera id as below in the metadata json along with other data and it will be able to get back to the footage if required.


    Just for clarification here is an sample url which we are going to use. 

  A 12345 detected at Entry Lane 1&metadata={"cameraRefs":["3A4AD4EA-9269-4B1F-A7AA-2CEC537D0248"],"TransactionId":1474457,"CameraIp":"","Direction":"Entry","FullPlateNo":"A 12345","PlatePrefix":"A","PlateNumber":"12345","City":"Dubai","PlateCategory":"Private","PlateColor":"White","Confidence":98}

    Is this fine?

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Correct. in case the rule Event = Generic Event and Action = Bookmark is created with the corresponding Source of course. 

    When finished, I would highly recommend you submit this integration to https://my.networkoptix.com/#/integrations so all of our users can see what you have created and people can reach out to you to buy your solutions. 

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    sunandita das

    Sure. Thank you for your support.

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