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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Raul Perez

    Unfortunately, such features are not being worked on at the moment. We understand your eagerness to have this request implemented, so we will take your feedback into account for future feature discussions.

    Please feel free to send us any other comments or questions and have a great rest of your day!

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    Eric Arquilla

    We have been waiting fir an Apple TV app for a long time! We have stores with Hundreds of locations that want the ability to watch the cameras on a remote tv.

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Eric Arquilla,

    Why not use a barebone computer with a quad-core Celeron CPU, 4 GB RAM and a small SSD running Ubuntu Linux with our desktop client? Manage it via SSH or VNC, etc. This offers you more flexibility with a lower price as a bonus (~$130,00). Often VESA mounts are included. 

    What would be the benefit of Apple TV over this suggestion? 

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    Eric Arquilla

    Becuase the customer doesn’t know how to SSH or want to have to sign into VNC to manage a computer. They want to couch a user friendly remote and then open an app that looks like the one on their phone. Of there was a way to manage it like a video wall, that could be an option. But the issue is the computer option turns off, needs constant updates and requires a level of technical skills that most $10/hr employees just don’t have. The Apple app would simple the solution for the user, to have on their monitors. They would be willing to pay for the Apple app, it could be another revenue generator for you guys. We are a power wave VMs user, and this is the platform that we would want it on. Digital watch dog released an app that was on Apple TV, which we managed to use for a few weeks, but it was very Powderly made and didn’t keep the streams up consistently. I recommend building an app that would work with wave sync and charge the customer a one-time license fee per app/tv.

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    Dan Warne

    I'm considering buying an NX Witness system too and I'd really like an Apple TV client -- even if it provided only the barebones feature of streaming all the cameras in a grid view. It would provide a great way to easily view all cameras on a big screen. In my case it'd help me with "partner acceptance factor" for our home security system.

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    Although we originally thought this to only be applicable to home applications, we are now finding more and more organisations with Apple TV's, attached to the back of almost every board room TV, Dashboard, etc. 
    Why? Because they just work. No OS maintenance, a consistent experience, and something reliable.

    Trialled small mini-PC's, but honestly all this added was more frustration. Not because of NX, but because of Windows. 

    I now find myself here to add a +1 to this request. 

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    Laszlo Tordai

    I know this doesn't get a lot of traction, but this would change the landscape of how to view cameras. Since NX is scalable, this could benefit the 4 camera to 500 camera systems.. We often have a need to display one camera on a screen next to a security station, $100.00 appleTV setup with the app and with some settings that get loaded on startup.. That would make the change for us. We do airports and put single screens all over the place..


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    James Mifsud

    Honestly, I don't see why this isn't being supported by Network Optixs, After Gen 6 is released, it should become a priority. 

    You've already have created the Xcode for iOS, and the latest Apple TV has the same Apple A15 Bionic SOC found on the iPhone 13.. at a significantly cheaper price! In terms of device management and backing up what Liam above said, Apple TV is becoming a standard for businesses, and you can install Jamf for example on an Apple TV for remote management by IT and MSP staff. 

    Honestly you can't ask for a better end user experience!

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