When exporting a video using Nx client, it cannot be played properly.
AnsweredThe recorded data of the camera can be viewed normally.
However, when exporting to mp4, the video drops out for about 10 seconds.
Verified results
mkv, avi, mp4
Normal export was not possible with these file formats.
These file formats were successfully exported.
The version of Nx where this phenomenon occurs is "".
The client is also the same version.
Model number of camera recording
"AXIS Camera P3245-LV"
Camera stream information
Is this a bug in NxWitness?
Please let me know if there is a solution.
Hi 藤野竜也,
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. It’s not something I’m familiar with, so here’s what I recommend as a first step:
Update Nx Witness to the latest version,, using the following in-client credentials:
- Build Number: 39873
- Password: ledyr3
After the update, reindex the archive via the Server Settings menu under the Storage Management tab.
Once you’ve completed these steps, please check if the issue has been resolved.
If the problem persists, kindly add nx.verify@gmail.com as a user so we can further investigate the issue for you.
Let me know how it goes, and feel free to reach out with any additional questions!
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