How many desktop client can accept ?
AnsweredFrom following link, TTL # of TCP max connection is 2,000. based on that,
100 disktop client which has 6 splited camera view. In this case,
100 x (5 + 1 x 6) = 1,100 connection is needed. thus, under this setting a mediaserver can accepct 100 client. My question is this calculation is not inducted TCP connection between cameras and mediaserver.
If 100 cameras deviced are attached and 100 disktop clients are connected, still OK?
Hi Yoshitaka Muroi,
You’re absolutely correct with your calculation. Here’s a breakdown for confirmation:
- Per Desktop Client: 5 TCP connections × 100 = 500 TCP connections
- Per Layout Resource: 1 TCP connection × 6 resources × 100 clients = 600 TCP connections
Total TCP connections: 500 + 600 = 1,100 TCP connections.
However,if you want 100 layout resources per desktop client, the number of Desktop Client per server, won't be 100.
- Per Desktop Client: 5 TCP connections × 100 = 500 TCP connections
- Per Layout Resource: 1 TCP connection × 100 resources × 100 clients = 10,000 TCP connections
Total TCP connections: 500 + 10,000 = 10,500 TCP connections.
This isn't possible, and you need either divide the resources to multiple servers and/or reduce the maximum number of resources per layout.
Also, please keep in mind that, by default, a maximum of 64 resources can be added to a layout.
If we consider up to 64 resources per layout, the calculation will be:
- Per Desktop Client: 5 TCP connections × 28 = 140 TCP connections
- Per Layout Resource: 1 TCP connection × 64 resources × 28 clients = 1,792 TCP connections
Total TCP connections: 140 + 1.792 = 1,932 TCP connections.
Best regards.
Hi- Norman
Thank you very much for the reply.
Camera --- (1) (TCP/UDP) --- mediaserver --- (2) (TCP) --- Client pc
My understandings is, the max number of TCP define covers point (2), not included point (1) looks like.
If 100 camera is attached, 2,000 TCP - 100 TCP = 1,900 is available TCP connection for Client?While thinkking about this, another questions poped up. If Analog ENC is attached like AXIS M710x, one single IP has 4 separated video stream. In this case, still this formula is effective? or a camera stream needs one TCP connection?
I became quirous about, e.g If we need to attach 1000 analog cameras with like video encorder,
How many mediaserver are needed? 1000 / 128 = 8 severs on v5.x?
or, 3 servers? -
Hi Yoshitaka Muroi,
If you have one server with 100 resources, and you connect 1 client to display all resources, you use 105 TCP connections. If you use 2 desktop clients, you use 210 TCP connections. if you use 3 Desktop Clients, you use 315 TCP connections, etc. (Note: the default value is 64 resources per Desktop Client).
This gives a total of 2,000 TCP connections / 105 per 100 resource per Desktop Client = 19 Desktop clients in total.
For Encoders, DVRs, etc. each channel counts as 1 TCP connection. So a 4 channels encoder uses 4 TCP connection, a 16 channel NVR uses 16 TCP connections, etc.
For 1,000 analog cameras, you need at least 100 servers, maybe more if you need to connect many Desktop Clients, and/or require failover. Per Site, you can merge up to 10 Servers, and via the Nx Cloud you can add an unlimited amount of Sites per System.
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