Nx Server is not using my self signed certificate
CompletedI have the Nx Server on the linux system, and I generate my self signed certificate using mk-cert like this:
mkcert -install localhost <my-ip-address>
Then I stop the networkoptix-mediaserver service.
Next I moved the cert.pem and key.pem to this location:
And also updated the mediaserver.conf to this line:
And start the networkoptix-mediaserver service again.
After that I turn to my client PC in Windows and try to access an URL pointed to the Nx Server like this:
But the browser gave me error: net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID
And then I found from the Certificate Viewer that Nx Server is still using the default built-in certificate, not my new generated self signed cert.
How can I let the Nx Server to use my self signed cert?
Error as below image shown:
Hi Sivvie Lim,
I hope you’re doing well! I noticed that this topic hasn’t received any engagement from the community yet, and I wanted to check in with you. Is the issue you mentioned still relevant or something you’re looking to resolve?
Best regards.
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