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    I'll let other folks/folks from Nx chime in as well, but from my experience I had to flash the cameras with the Dahua OEM firmware in order for it to be properly recognized in NxWitness.

    What is the white label brand for the cameras coming in as General?

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    Thanks WallaWalla. These are VIP Vision branded cameras

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi michael,

    I hope you’re doing well! I noticed that this topic hasn’t received any engagement from the community yet, and I wanted to check in with you. Is the issue you mentioned still relevant or something you’re looking to resolve?

    Best regards.

    Thank you, WallaWalla,

    Sometimes flashing the device with Dahua firmware is the only option, however if the Modelname or number is unique, we typically can resolve it. For devices like General|IPC or General|IP_Camera it cannot be resolved, since these names aren't unique and are in use by other camera suppliers as well.


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    Hi Norman,

    Yes this is still something we are looking tyo resolve. I have not been back to site yet. Are any of the original screenshot model numbers something that could be resolved? Or would the only option be to update to the Dahua firmware?

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi michael,

    Based on your request, we have taken the necessary adjustments to ensure that it is fulfilled for the following models:

    • General G82_VSIPP-8DD-ID3
    • General VTO2201F-P
    • General LA-P59225U-HNI

    All other models should either work (the Dahua models) or are having too generic Vendor and Model names.

    Please follow the steps as described below:

    1. Stop the mediaserver application and paste the resource_data.json file in this LINK at the following location:

      For Windows: C:\Program Files\Network Optix\Nx Witness\MediaServer
      For Linux: /opt/networkoptix/mediaserver/bin/
    2. Now start the mediaserver application again.

    To stop and start the media server, please do it as follows:

    For Windows:

    Open the task manager, select tab ‘Services’ find the mediaserver application, right-click and select; Stop or Start

    For Linux:

    Open the terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and enter the following command;

    sudo systemctl stop networkoptix-mediaserver.service


    sudo systemctl start networkoptix-mediaserver.service

    Could you please confirm that this meets your requirements? Once we receive your confirmation, we will proceed with the necessary updates, and we will be adding it to a future patch.

    Best regards.


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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi michael,

    Did you test the provided file? If so, please confirm, so we can add the solution to our source code.

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi michael,

    Any news?

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