Analytics Event Description hasn't Attribute?
AnsweredEvent Log has Event Attributes
Description: LineCrossed: Line Name[1] : In . eventType: lineCross; lineName: 1; inCount: 5; outCount: 18; lastInID: 793; lastOutID: 798 So I expected that the Http request placeholder would also have attributes following it. But it doesn't work. Am I missing something? Is it not supposed to work? Original data length: 66 |
Hi Vikram,
This is expected and no issues.
Currently, the placeholders for Analytics Event for the "Do HTTP request" action (This feature is applicable to Analytics and Generic Events just fyi).
Placeholders syntax:
- {event.cameraId} – replaced by the camera ID (e.g., {ad1d1b6c-7013-0049-6fd4-ff15450e4716})
- {event.cameraName} – replaced by the camera name (e.g., Garage roller)
- {event.eventType} – replaced by the event type (e.g., nx.stub.lineCrossing)
- {event.eventName} – replaced by the event name (e.g., Line crossing)
- {event.caption} – replaced by the caption (e.g., “Line crossing - impulse event (caption)”)
- {event.description} – replaced by the description (e.g., "Line crossing - impulse event (description)").
At the moment, the above syntax and variables are supported.
We have the plan to improve and extend the placeholders to support more variables, ex: device name, server name, timestamp,...etc. but it may lay on the future release, ex: 6.1+ or 7.0 later. It is a good idea and we definitely consider to add into our product.
Thanks for the suggestions.
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