CompletedI am having an issue changing a cameras PTZ preset using the V6 API. Here is an example code snippet:
def set_ptz_preset(self, presets, name):
deviceId = "00874e2f-bc62-364d-f4ad-a3385150229e"
speed = {
"speed": 1.0
for preset in presets:
if preset['name'] == name:
preset_id = preset['id'].strip("{}")
url = f"/rest/v3/devices/{deviceId}/ptz/presets/{preset_id}/activate"
ptz_presets = self.api_call(url, 'POST', json=speed)
return ptz_set
When I send the request I get the following:
{"error":"3","errorId":"cantProcessRequest","errorString":"Failed to activate PTZ preset for Device '{00874e2f-bc62-364d-f4ad-a3385150229e}'."}
I also noticed when I GET the PTZ presets for a device, it returns the presets, but the device uuid in the response is all zeros like so:
[{'deviceId': '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}', 'id': '{782ccdf2-a5bf-4c53-88d4-9c90333787c1}', 'name': 'closet'}, {'deviceId': '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}', 'id': '{b439470b-ca61-4df6-838b-da09fc699487}', 'name': 'Door'}, {'deviceId': '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}', 'id': '{e515dc17-b2a7-4e62-95ff-cba61795b712}', 'name': 'Home'}]
I am wondering if the deviceId not returning correctly is the issue, as the API does not know what device this preset is referencing?
Hi Jackson,
Thanks for your question, I have created an internal ticket on behalf of you.
Please check your mail inbox and we will coordinate with you via the ticket.Thanks.
We have confirmed that it is a bug that the Nx Server replies to the
Get PTZ presets
with the zerodeviceId
This issue will be fixed in the next release. (i.e. Nx 6.0.2 and onward.)
Regarding theActivate PTZ Preset
API, thepresetId
is a string in the API structure, therefore, it should be circled by the curly brackets. Therefore, the API request should be like:POST /rest/v3/devices/<deviceId>/ptz/presets/{<presetId>}/activate
"speed": <speed>
Thank you.
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