How can I output plugin results to video?




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    Hi Wayne Li,

    Thanks for your questions.

    1) The overlay or boundary boxes on Nx Desktop Client is a "CLIENT SIDE" work and feature. It is not modified the original stream but put only overlay the result while you view the stream. That being said, if you are restream any video from Nx to any 3rd party player, you would not have the feature provided by Nx Client - simply because you are not using Nx-made Client.

    In other words, you are asked to implement your own player or metadata interpreter on your customer site. This is a task that you may need to do on your own. You could get the metadata via server API, and implement that feature in your design. Please refer to the API document for getting more information.


    2) You should be able to see the result on all camera once you enable the object tabs.



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    Hi Wayne Li,

    I have tested and reviewed the approach we discussed. It appears that obtaining fully up-to-date metadata snapshots in a timely manner for accurately rendering the bounding boxes is quite challenging. Due to the inherent delay in API requests, it seems the API may not be able to keep pace with real-time video.

    While integration is technically possible, the user experience may not be optimal under the current circumstances.

    At this time, it is likely not feasible for the development team to deliver a seamless overlay using the existing tools. We are considering optimizing the process by delivering analytics metadata (both live and archived) via the WebRTC data channel in the future, but I don’t have a timeline for this yet.

    Thank you for your understanding.

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