Restreaming from NX - One camera only restreams from CameraID @ H263

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    Aaron ONeill

    After some more digging on the forum i have found you can specify ?codec=h264.  This works in terms of the video stream but i now have no audio on the stream.  When it was in h263 it had audio but no video.




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    Hi Aaron ONeill,

    Thanks for your question, do you still have the same issue on v6.0.0?

    On v6.0.0 we fixed a few audio codec related issues while exporting/re-stream, so this may be helpful on your case. Please update your system to the latest version -

    If the issue persists, please let us know.

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    Aaron ONeill

    Thanks, its Hanwhas version of NX is 6 released yet?  The usual page for hanwha updates seems to be a dormant link now.

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    Sergey Bystrov


    Is there a chance that the camera is 90/180/360 degree rotated? ( based on dev team this can force transcoding )

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    Aaron ONeill

    Hi @sergey yes it is to be fair and it’s the only one that is. So this could be the issue, but doesn’t fix the issue 🤣. Do you know a work round? Thanks

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    Hi Aaron ONeill

    Unfortunately, if you are using WAVE, we kindly request that you reach out to Hanwha to see if they can provide you with version 6.0 for further testing, as we are not permitted to distribute WAVE.

    Regarding the transcoding issue, could you please provide more details, including the camera settings? Additionally, we will need the full request URL in order to better understand what might have occurred. This will help us reproduce the case and investigate it further.

    Thank you for your understanding.

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