Send Nx Notification integration problem when using API
CompletedDear all
Nx allow us to use REST API to interact and integrate with third party application. I am using POST /rest/v2/devices/*/searches (url) with mode=addFoundDevices to register the device (rtsp stream) and trigger an event of the “Generic Event” type /api/createEvent (url)
when sending nx notification on localhost it is working fine
when sending to another pc the video stream is not working but the notication is working
is there any guide to allow the video stream also to public IP by giving ip, port and nx authorization
I am using Nx Meta version5.1.4.38659
Hi Ichiro , thanks for your help, at first I was thinking the same because the network issue, I think port 8554 is not the issue since I can validate to open the stream in VLC in another pc. Also, I did register device directly to NxMeta it can open it successfully.
supposedly my pc and the rtsp camera stream that come from my pc is `rtsp://user:pass@myip:8554/video_server/anyname` . I register it to nxmeta on another pc, it will result this stream rtsp://
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