web page displayed in executeActionWithUrlResult(object action) not apply a proxy?




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    Hi Vikram,

    Unfortunately, the screen capture seems not very clear to understand, but we try to answer based on this

    On the left, the proxy is go through via server, so it is OK and no problem here.

    However, on the right, we have no further information about the "Call be object action". We are afraid that the information of the right side is very limited.


    As a result, we kindly ask you provide more information and full screen capture as well as the screen recording to show and explain your questions, to have a better idea, we need the full information about how you reproduce this.


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    I'm talking about the example in .metadata_sdk\samples\stub_analytics_plugin\src\nx\vms_server_plugins\analytics\stub\object_actions\engine.cpp

    Since it's the SDK you provided, I thought you would recognize it quickly.


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    Hi Vikram

    Thanks for your clarification. This is an expected behavior and no proxy would be applied to this executeActionWithUrlResult(object action).


    If you look into the behavior, the proxy applies to the resource, a web-page(URL) acts as a resource stored on the system, so the mediaserver can proxy the webpage as the resource is handled and known on the server side, then relay the content to display on the client.

    For this executeActionWithUrlResult(object action), it is a "client" side action. This means the action is handled by client not the server, so the proxy configuration has nothing to do with this URL. So, for this behavior, "This web action on the client will be handled by client, meaning that it is accessing the URL by using client's network and remains on the client".

    As a result, this is not an issue but expected behavior for this specific actions.


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    However, if this feature is supported, it will enable the development of a wider variety of plugins.


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    But here's a sudden question that came to mind: even if we assume the client is making the call for the object action, why can't it properly call localhost?

    Because the environment I just tested has the server and client on the same machine. Despite this, I'm curious why they are behaving differently.

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    Hi Vikram,

    This is simply because these are two different components. Server side and Client side.  That being said the implementation could be different and sometimes it is just has not yet implemented in previous version.


    If you have the chances, please have a look of the v6.0.0 SDK, it is supported the PROXY of action result.
    You can find them in src/nx/sdk/analytics/i_action.h


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    Ah, good news! I really needed this feature It will be useful in the future.

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