How do I turn off Best Shot mode?
AnsweredI am developing a plugin that receives metadata from an AI camera and displays it in Nx Meta VMS.
I want to turn off the built-in Best Shot mode in the client and use the Best Shot feature on our camera.
I have successfully pushed the prepared Best Shot images.
However, the readability is reduced because it is displayed along with the built-in Best Shot of the client.
Please let me know how to turn off the client's built-in Best Shot mode.
Thank you.
Hi Kyj,
Thanks for your question, but I am afraid we don't fully get your questions here.
What "readability" you are mentioning here? Do you mean the notifications duplicate for same objects?
Please try to provide as much as detail of your case or questions, so we won't be misunderstanding your valuable feedback. Thanks.
Hi Kyj,
Thanks for response, however if you don't mind, we would like to have more detail about this question.
From your response, you mention this is about the readability and it sounds like that you have *both*(Nx and your own) automatically generated the Best Shots, but that's unlikely happen possible - technically, an Object Track can have only one Best Shot(as it is the nature of the definition of "best", only one)
That being said there is only one best shot, either Nx's one or your own.
- If there is no best host pushes to Nx -> The best shot is from Nx.
- If there is a best host pushes to Nx -> The best shot replaces the previous one.The built-in Best Shot works only if an Engine does *not* send a Best Shot via the SDK. So, if you want to "push the best shot from the camera to Nx", it is already ready (and you have done)
We are not sure what do you see or want to achieve, as there would be no double best shots.
Or do you mean you want to see only camera-sent best shots, even there is NO best shots available would be fine? That means the bestshot is missing and it is likely not an idea option though.If possible, may you provide the screen recording of your issue and explain us what exact issue you may see?
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