How can I hide the text box of a BBOX?

In Progress



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    Hi Kyj,

    Thanks for your questions and test. 

    I would not recommend to use an empty id of an Object Type. (ignore setTypeId is NG).

    The VMS may experience an undefined behavior or may behave counter-intuitive in many places, as a result, this is sure not an ideal approach.

    Currently we probably don't have the verified approach for this request, and the tag of the boundary box will be suggested remain on the client. We will check with developers if there is any workaround, but please be noticed this is likely not achievable. 

    Will get back to you once we got the answer from our team and verify the cases/behaviors.Thanks.

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    Hello Ichiro,
    Thank you for your response.
    I am looking forward to functional improvements.
    Thank you.

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    Andrey Terentyev


    Could you, please, share and elaborate a bit on your business scenario? What is the major reason for requirement to hide text (including object type) for bbox?

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    Hello Andrey,

    When monitoring objects detected in real-time in Nx Meta VMS, if there are numerous objects on the screen, the text boxes can obstruct the view of the objects. This is why a "BBOX only" mode is necessary.

    Thank you.

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