Nx meta integration with custom analityc (running in different machine)

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    Hi arief mulyana djauhari,

    Thanks for your question. In fact, we can support the analytics either on the same device or on different devices. It makes no difference to your analytics to communicate to the Nx Mediaserver. We achieve this via Nx plugin, which is the interface or the bridge between the analytics and the Nx. As a result, to achieve this, you would need to use the Nx MetaSDK (Nx Toolkit) to develop the plugin.

    Nx MetaSDK can be found here - Current version / Beta version
    There are some guides and tutorial for you as well, can be found here - Knowledge base

    We kindly suggest you read the article and check the sample code to get the idea. Thanks.

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    Refky Fauzi


     i red the metadata SDK docs, but need more sample ( source code) specially how to get the meta data and how to make the stream form analytics in raspberry pi sent to nx meta.



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    arief mulyana djauhari


    Hi Ichiro

     i red the metadata SDK docs, but need more sample ( source code) specially how to get the meta data and how to make the stream form analytics in raspberry pi sent to nx meta.




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