Is it possible to apply character limitation to the local files' names(and other entities like camera, servers, etc.) when editing in the resource tree?




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    Hi Chung Pham,

    Thanks for your suggestions but unfortunately we currently don't have such function to restrict the input or event on the text change situation. 

    Is there any specific reason that this is critical to you?

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    Chung Pham

    Hi Ichiro
    It's just for better user experience. If I allow the name to be unlimited. The file export process fails when it exceeds a certain amount of characters.

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    Hi Chung Pham,

    Thanks for the idea, but how many chars would cause this? 
    Is this a common case or some extreme cases (like in a stress test). 

    I am asking this is just out of curiosity that in what case the file name would be long enough to trigger the issue so we can think about if this is an OS or application side.  As far as I know, it is 256 chars already for OS, but not sure if you are using the same for this test?


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    Chung Pham

    Anything more than 256 would cause the failure.

    Also, the default name for the exported file take the camera's name and added date and time to make the string. In case my camera's name is longer than 256 characters then by not editing the name at all would still cause the failure.

    It is extreme cases but I still think it's something nice to add



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    Hi Chung Pham

    I have put this request in the backlog, we will consider to put the limitation on the filename in the future if required. We appreciate your feedback and thanks for your suggestions. 

    Although I don't have the ETA soon, however, please keep posted.




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    Hi Chung Pham,

    We set the rules on the exported file as of now.

    As of 6.0 we’ve implemented the most simple check and error message box, which might solve the issue. Limit is set to 255 symbols including the file name and path in total, although in certain conditions it may be longer, we currently decide to make it 255 chars. 


    Hope this helps. Thanks.

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