Scailable Nx AI Manager Post Processing Doesn't Work




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    Josef Joubert

    Hi, thank you for your question.


    For the Object Counting postprocessor, it generates an event when there are objects on the screen. If you do not create a camera rule to handle this event, then you will not see any effect. See:

    For the Object Counting postprocessor, you have to select the Analytics Event, like this:
    You can then select 'Show text overlay' to visualise the event on the video stream.

    For external postprocessors, it depends on which postprocessor you're using. Some of them add a 'test' bounding box, which you should see on the video stream. Others also create a counting event, which can be visualised as above.

    For external postprocessors, make sure to Stop + Start the AI Manager runtime ( through the buttons in the plugin settings ) after adding the postprocessor.


    Could you let me know if this helps?

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    Benedictus Visto Kartika

    Hi, thank you for your reply.

    Thanks to you we manage to make the built-in postprocessors work by adding the event rules.
    Currently we're working on custom external postprocessors, hopefully it went well without any issue, otherwise I'd like to discuss it here.

    There's another case that I'd like to do that might be regarding to postprocessors. So let say that I'd like to send the object detection results (it's on the right side of the image where every object got cropped and popped up on the right tab) and its meta data like bounding box, classes, to our own storage, is there any way to do that? do i need to create post processor to push the data maybe like via HTTP request or is there any event rules as well do to that? thank you in advance.

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    Josef Joubert

    You are welcome to post further questions as you develop your custom post-processor.

    Unfortunately at this moment if you would like to upload metadata + cropped frames to your own cloud server, the only way to do that is indeed implement your own custom postprocessor which uploads the data to your cloud.

    We do get the same question from multiple clients, so it is possible that we might implement a standard way to upload data to cloud storage. We are also discussing saving metadata along with the video streams on the Nx Cloud, but that is probably far in the future.

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    Benedictus Visto Kartika

    Thank you very much for the reply and confirmation. We'll make custom postprocessors then. Thank you once again.

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    Benedictus Visto Kartika

    I'd like to reopen another question regarding custom postprocessor, I'd like to confirm can the custom postprocessor run AI with the server GPU? or is it only able to do simple processing?

    Thank you.

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