Annke cameras showing as"onvif"




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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi luke richmond,

    This happens quite often when using the OEM version of a camera. Such manufacturers have often multiple OEMs, and the firmware is identical, and they use a universal identifier like Onvif, General, IPC, etc. The name displayed, is the name the camera provided during its discovery, and not something we influence.

    If the model name is unique, we can create a fix to let the camera behave like Hikvision (enabling the Hikvision analytics).

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    luke richmond

    Thanks Norman.  There's a thread on ipcamtalk with a guy repeating "do not flash annke with hik fw" non stop, so I'll watch and learn from others mistakes.  Functionality I'd like is having the line cross/people/vehicle detection being able to trigger NX rules, but there's no recognised analytics when it's just a "onvif"?  Do you see analytics working on other Annke reported in the supported list data? 

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi luke richmond,

    Currently, no Annke devices report the availability of analytics, which makes sense, since no model is listed in our resource file.

    In order to address the issue, could you please provide a screenshot of the Camera Settings menu, specifically the General tab, where the Vendor and Model details are clearly visible? Please note, that if the Vendor name isn't unique (like Onvif) the Model name has to be unique at least, to offer a fix.

    Once we have this information, we will be able to create a temporary fix, which can be included in our source files once confirmed.

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    luke richmond

    Screen submitted in request.  Thanks

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Saw it. We will continue the conversation in the ticket (#37916) you submitted.

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