Question about how inserting items into layouts work
In ProgressHi we are working with creting some layouts using the API calls and we don't understand why it works this way, so the easiest case to showcase it would be this: I have a layout with only 1 camera at bottom 1 and rigth 1, if I want to add another one space to the rigth I use the api call to add the item like this
"flags": 0,
"left": 0,
"top": 0,
"right": 2,
"bottom": 1,
"rotation": 0,
"resourceId": "3e0298a8-cbe4-3812-f03b-fb731ce4049c"
but the end resutl looks like this

with one camera half over the other
Could you possibly send me the full screen capture of the desktop client? (Before and after)
The current image seems not well showing your result.Also, can you also please describe the goal you want to achieve?
HI Ramon Mormeneo Ferrer,
Do you still have the issue? Do you need any help from us still?
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