AnsweredWe wold like if yo can Add Te UNIVIEW camera Type: IPC-3534LB-ADZK-H
to the list of Analytics camera's
It works fine but yo can see no lines en the system sat to activate the role in the software but is already on in the NX Software Please help needed
Best Regards Alan ACI.
Hi Alan Imanuel,
Please check THIS support article to learn what is required to get a device listed.
Seeing lines or bounding boxes is something that has to be delivered by the devices itself, some camera offer this on all streams, some offer it only on the primary stream, others only on the secondary or the third (which isn't supported by Nx).
Not sure what you mean with:
en the system sat to activate the role in the software but is already on in the NX Software
For your information, if a rule is set up in the device, the Analytics Action should also be tied to an Action in the Nx Rules engine.
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