How to migrate a nxWiteness server in a VM between hosts?
AnsweredHi. I installed a NxWiteness server in a VM (VirtualBox 7.0) and activated the license. When I migrate the VM from test machine to production, the server status shows 'license error' in license tab.
I migrate the VM by exporting and importing tools in Virtual box. All the virtual hardware configuration are the identical, including the network MAC.
Is there any way to migrate a virtualbox VM between hosts and keep the license valid?
Hi Richard Huang,
Although we can't offer any support to third party applications, I would check if the exported ova file, has the same UUID after it was imported.
For Linux you can use the following command to fine the UUID of the motherboard:
sudo dmidecode|less|grep UUID
and the following command to find the UUID of the NICs:
nmcli c
These UUIDs should be identical in both VMs.
The UUID of the motherboard and the UUID of the primary NIC (typically the first wired NIC) together are used for a HWID for the VM, and this HWID is the one used for the licenses.
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