Unexpectedly smart motion search was disabled.
AnsweredWe encountered unexpected behavior: the smart motion search function was disabled automatically this year, even though camera and system settings had not changed.
Last year, the function worked.
After encountering this, we checked the camera setting and realized the secondary stream for the smart motion search setting was set with Hi-resolution, full-HD.
We know this is too high reso in the camera setting screen, this is not a suitable setting. Nevertherless, Why suddenly was the function turned off since this year? Since last year the function worked.
Are you familiar with the phenomena? And what would be the root cause for this?
Smart motion detection is automatically disabled if the secondary stream resolution is more or equal than 720x.
This is done for the sake of not burning the server cpu.
However, you still can force the server to do MD on big resolutions by changing settings on the expert tab of the camera.
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Hi Yoshitaka Muroi,
Have you updated the system or the camera firmware?
We do had the experience the camera would have some ONVIF problem after firmware update due to the media profile bug.Have you tried to choose the proper media profile for the camera manually as a workaround(Nx Witness 5.1.2+)?
Camera settings -> Expert - > ONVIF settings -> media profile
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