Axis Object Analytic integration




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    Jason Tyson

    (second comment didn't post, sorry if this duplicates).

    When I enable the "Plugin Diagnostic Event" I do get the following below. 

    Additionally, I'm not sure if I need to add anything to the rules/recipients section of the camera. As well as the ONVIF metadata info (which I did to the ONVIF stream profile).

    Plugin failed to produce Manifest.

    Technical details: Method

    DeviceAgent:manifest) of

    DeviceAgent for Parking-Corner of Engine "Axis analytics plugin" of Axis implemented in the Plugin incorrectly: Manifest contains logical errors, details: error: Multiple Event Types have the same id, details:

    Event Type id:

    nx.axis.ObjectAnalytics, Event Type name: Object Analytics

    error: Multiple Event Types have the same name, details: Event Type id: nx.axis.ObjectAnalytics, Event Type name: Object Analytics

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    Wendy Chuang

    Hi Jason Tyson,

    Apologies for the delayed response. Could you please provide more details about your issue?

    1. Can you specify the exact version of Nx Witness you are using?
    2. It would be helpful if you could provide a screenshot of your analytic event rule in Nx.
    3. Did you add the AXIS camera using ONVIF credentials?

    Please provide this information so that we can better understand your situation and assist you accordingly.
    Thank you!


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