LDAP issues after updating to




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    Wendy Chuang

    Hi Luke McFadden,

    I'm not able to reproduce your case on my 4.2 server with our LDAP server of jumpcloud.
    Could you help to collect the server log with the VERBOSE logging level while fetching the user from LDAP server? (Please refer to the instruction in this article)

    Thank you for your cooperation.

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    Wendy Chuang

    Hi Luke McFadden,

    Just checking in to make sure you received our response as it has been a while since we have heard from you. Please let us know if you still need help by responding to this email. We are eager to resolve your question as soon as possible.

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    Luke McFadden

    Wendy Chuang. Sorry for the slow reply.  The issue did end up being with my LDAP provider, so things are working as they should now.

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    Wendy Chuang

    Hi Luke McFadden,

    Good to hear everything is working fine now.
    Thanks for your update :-)

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