no of camera's per docker image




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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Vanitha Ramaswami,

    You can add up to 100/128 cameras per server. 128 for single server systems, 100 cameras for larger systems with up to 100 servers within the same system.

    We don't offer any guidance on the number of resources since it would differ on the brand/model of the host CPU. vGPU is irrelevant, since the mediaserver application doesn't use a GUI. 

    Then there are lots of other variables like other daemons that are running on the same device, but also the load of the cameras might vary a lot. Also, analytics could give a lot more load that can't be predicted of calculated.

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    Vanitha Ramaswami

    Hi Norman,
    can you please help to share the server specs in my your reference...

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hello Vanitha Ramaswami,

    Sure, here you are >>> LINK

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